Friday 21 December 2007

Christmas is coming!!!

We're picking up our daughter today, she has been with my Mother since finishing Uni for the hols, but I know she just wants to come home. I also know that she is worried about what home is these days. I'm afraid life on the boat won't be as easy or as 'flick of a switch' as living with Grandma, but hopefully she will settle into it. I have put some Christmas dec's up and acquired a very small artificial tree, just so it looks a little more seasonal. The thing is, that until we get to Ely we will still be relying on our power from the generator, so all day telly will be a dim and distance memory.
I am hoping that she will be with us for the last bit of the trip until we get home to Ely. John's not too sure about having her on board while we go through Denver. Its nice that he's so worried about her safety, never mind the galley slave - I'll be alright, seen it, done it and got the video and T-shirt!!!!
We are starting to prepare for Monday, checking diesel, oil, water etc. I'm going to get some extra provisions in today, as when we get to Ely everywhere will be shut for Christmas.
We phoned ahead to the marina and we are going to have to pick a key up today, they're closing for the hols as well. Looks like its going to be a very quite time and to be honest that's what we want after what we have had to go through.
All I want for Christmas is a safe mooring with electric and water. Its funny that our needs and wants are so much more simple than when we lived in a house. Then I would perhaps of wanted some fancy electrical gadget for the kitchen or maybe toiletries to fill up the shelves in the bathroom unnecessarily, things I would never use, they would just sit there filling space and gathering dust. Now it's a case of - I just don't need it anymore, I manage with what I've got. You can only wear one set of clothes at a time and when you have only got very limited storage you just can't have everything. Before we moved onto the boat, we got rid of so much stuff. Years and years of rubbish which we had just collected and stored. We were paying a mortgage just so we could store our crap. Now I know that every item on the boat is there because it needs to be and if we don't use it then it has to go. My Mum must be so proud of me, she has wanted me to have a good clear out for years.
I have a good feeling about the last part of our journey, it has been a long and hard one. At times I wasn't sure if I could physically or even mentally cope, but I have and I think it has made me a better person. I have seen how it has effected my husband and I am so proud of him for holding it all together. There were times he could have just cracked and walked away from it, but he didn't. As for our relationship as husband and wife, we are stronger now than we have ever been. We work well as a team and although there have been times that have caused us to be a little prickly towards each other, I know John is my rock and would never let any harm come to me. I trust him with my life and my home.
I think I will finish my blog at this point or at least until after Christmas and say - Yes I am happy!. Happier than I have been for a long time. Thank you John for my wonderful new home and my wonderful new life.

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